G0505M machine palm grip resistance resistance strain flexible thin film pressure sensor touch sensor intelligent sensor
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 2.54 parent end-state - zephyr+ backlash
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or random delivery) -2kg-7.5kg-1.27 mother end - zip + back
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or delivered at random) 2kg-5kg-sensor + module upper machine - emptiness + backless
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg-1.27 mother end - zip zip-zip-zip-zip
quantities (one) (regulated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-5kg-2.54 parent end-not empty + back
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg-7.5kg-1.27 motherend - zero + backless
quantity (two) 1 pair of 2kg-2.54 pc - no emptiness + reel
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-5kg-1.27 parent-nose+back
quantity (two units) 1 pair of 2kg-sensor + module top machine - zip + backless
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-7.5kg-sensor + upper machine of module - empty + backless
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-5kg-2.54 mend - not empty + backless
Quantity (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-7.5kg-1.0 FPC - non-empty + backless
Quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 5kg - 1.0 FPC - Not empty + back
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg-1.27 parent end(s) - zero+back
Number (two) 1 pair -2kg - 1.0 FPC - No emptiness + no backlash
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-5kg-2.54 gend - empty + backless
Quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 5kg - 1.0 FPC - Zero+back
Quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-7.5kg-1.0 FPC-empty+back
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg-5kg-1.27 motherend - zero + backless
Quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg-7.5kg-1.0 FPC - No emptiness + no backlash
Quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-5kg-1.0 FPC - non-empty + back
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 5kg - 2.54 parent end-end - zip + back
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-2.54 parent end-end - zip + backless
quantities (two) 1 pair of 2kg-sensor + modular top
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 5kg - 2.54 parent end - no emptiness + no backlash
quantities (one) (remote left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-7.5kg-1.27 parent-nose + backgel
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-7.5 kg-2.54 pc - not empty + back
quantity (two) 1 pair - 2kg - 5kg - 2.54 pc - non-empty + reel
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 7.5kg - sensor + modular top machine - non-empty + backlash
quantities (two) 1 pair -2kg - 5kg - sensor + modular top
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-7.5 kg-2.54 cmend - zero+back
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or delivered at random) 2kg-1.27 parent-square+back
quantity (two) 1 pair - 2kg - 2.54 parent end(s) - no emptiness + no backlash
Number (two) 1 pair -2kg -5kg - 1.0 FPC - No emptiness + no backlash
Quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-1.0 FPC-Opple+back
quantity (two units) 1 pair of 2kg-sensor + module top machine - no emptiness + no backlash
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg-7.5 kg-2.54 cmend - zoom + back
Quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 7.5kg - 1.0 FPC - Not empty + back
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-5kg-1.27 parent — zip + backless
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 7.5 kg - 2.54 mother end-end - zip + backless
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or delivered at random) 2kg-sensor + module top machine - no emptiness + backlash
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or random shipments) 2kg-7.5kg-1.27 parent — emptiness + backless
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-7.5 kg-2.54 parent end-end - empty + back rubber
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or delivered at random) 2kg-5kg-sensor + module top machine - no emptiness + backless
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-2.54 parent end-not empty + backless
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-5kg-2.54 parent end-not empty + backless
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped randomly) 2kg-2.54 parent end-not empty + back
Quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 1.0 FPC - Empty + Backless
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-2.54 pc - zip + back
Quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 7.5kg - 1.0 FPC - Empty + Backless
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-5kg-2.54 parent end-end - zip + backless
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 5kg - 2.54 pc - no emptiness + no backlash
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or delivered at random) 2kg-7.5kg-sensor + upper-mole machine - empty + back tape
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-5kg-2.54 parent end-state - emptiness + backlash
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg-7.5kg-1.27 motherend - zephyr+backen
Quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 5kg - 1.0 FPC - Empty + Backless
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or delivered at random) 2kg-sensor + module top machine - empty + backless
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg-5kg-1.27 motherend - no emptiness + no backlash
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or delivered at random) 2kg-7.5kg-sensor + upper-module (not empty + back)
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-7.5 kg-2.54 parent end-not empty + back
Quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-1.0 FPC - emptied + backless
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-sensor + module upper machine - empty + back tape
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 5kg - 2.54 pc - zip + back
quantity (two) 1 pair - 2kg - 2.54 pc - no emptiness + no backlash
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 7.5 kg - 2.54 pc - zip-zip-zip-zip-nop
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-5kg-2.54 gend - not empty + back
quantity (one) (repeated to left/right hand or random delivery)
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-7.5 kg-2.54 pc - not empty + backless
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 7.5kg - 2.54 parent end-end - zephyr+ backlash
Quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-1.0 FPC - non-empty + backgel
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg-5kg-1.27 mother end - zoom + back
quantity (one) (repeated with left/right hand or shipped at random)
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 5kg - 2.54 mother-end - zip + backless
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg-1.27 parent-no emptiness + no backlash
quantity (two) 1 pair of 2kg-2.54 pcs - zoo + no reel
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 7.5 kg - 2.54 pc - non-empty + back rubber
quantity (one) (repeated left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-5kg-2.54 pc - zip + back
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg-5kg-1.27 motherend - no emptiness + backlash
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-2.54 pc - empty + backless
Quantity (two) 1 pair - 2kg - 1.0 FPC - Not empty + back
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-7.5 kg-2.54 gend - empty + backless
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg-7.5kg-1.27 motherend - no emptiness + backlash
number (two) 1 pair -2kg-7.5kg-1.27 motherend - no emptiness + no backlash
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 5kg - sensor + modular top
quantities (one) (repeated to left/right hand or delivered at random) 2kg-1.27 parent-not empty + backgel
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or delivered at random) 2kg-7.5 kg-sensor + module top machine - no emptiness + backless
Quantity (one) (repeated left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-5kg-1.0 FPC - empty + back
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or delivered at random) 2kg-1.27 parent-not empty + backless
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 7.5kg - sensor + modular top
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-7.5 kg-2.54 parent end-not empty + backless
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-5kg-1.27 parent-nose + backless
quantity (two) 1 pair - 2kg - 2.54 parent end(s) - no emptiness + reel
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-sensor+motion top machine - no emptiness + backgel
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 2.54 mother end-end - zip + no backlash
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg-7.5kg-2.54 mother-end - no emptiness + backlash
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or delivered at random) 2kg-5kg-sensor + module upper machine - emptiness + back tape
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 2.54 pc - zip + back
Quantity (one) (repeated left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-7.5kg-1.0 FPC - non-empty + backgel
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 5kg - sensor+model top machine - zoom + back
quantity (one) (repeated with left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-2.54 pc - not empty + backgel
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-5kg-1.27 parent — empty + back
Quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 1.0 FPC - Empty + Back
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 7.5kg - sensor + modular top machine - empty + backless
Quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-1.0 FPC - non-empty + backless
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg-1.27 parent — no emptiness + reel
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-7.5 kg-2.54 mother end-end - empty + backless
Quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-5kg-1.0 FPC - non-empty + backless
quantities (one) (repeated with left/right hand or delivered at random) 2kg-7.5kg-1.27 mother end - no emptiness + no backlash
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 7.5kg - sensor+model top machine - zoom + back
quantity (two) 1 pair - 2kg - 5kg - 2.54 mother end - no emptiness + backlash
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 5kg - sensor + top module - zoom + backless
number (two) 1 pair -2kg - 7.5kg - 2.54 mother end - no emptiness + no backlash
quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 5kg - 2.54 pc - zip zip + backless
Quantity (two) 1 pair -2kg - 7.5kg - 1.0 FPC - Empty + Backlash
Quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or random delivery) 2kg-7.5kg-1.0 FPC-empty + backless
quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-2.54 parent ender - zero + backgel
quantity (two) 1 pair of 2kg-sensor + upper-module machine - emptiness + back rubber
Quantities (one) (repeated left/right hand or shipped at random) 2kg-5kg-1.0 FPC - empty + backless
number (two) 1 pair -2kg - 7.5 kg - 2.54 pc - no emptiness + no backlash
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