hung jie's children's billiard, 90 centimetres of whitewood and one metre of head, boosted the snook of the american adult
B-7 Benxiao 1.45 meters away from the lacquer original wooden public pole to send the headstone tail 10mm
H-7 Hongjie 1.2 meters to increase the short pole to send the gun and the tail tail 10mm
68cm (get 5 gun heads) children's pole 11.5mm
105cm (get 5 gun headhers) Children's pole 11.5mm
50cm (get 5 gun headhers) children's pole 11.5mm
90cm (get 5 gun heads) children's pole 11.5mm
H-8 Hongjie 1.2 meters to increase the short rod to send the gun and the tail tail 10mm
120cm double festival (get 5 gun headhers) children's pole 12.5mm
B-8 Benxiao 1.45 meters of purple heart wooden pole (with interface) send the gun head rod tail 10mm
120cm single section (get 5 gun headhers) children's pole 11.5mm
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